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  • Writer's picturechainakarmakar

Beyond Youth: Navigating the Challenges of Declining Sexual Energy with Age

As we age, declining sexual energy presents a multifaceted challenge impacting emotional, physical, and relational aspects of life. Beyond the physiological changes, it confronts individuals with questions of identity, intimacy, and self-worth.

Sex hormone levels fluctuate throughout a person’s life irrespective of gender. Factors that can affect the levels of female sex hormones include:

Menopause in WOMEN:

Female sex hormones include estrogen, progesterone, and small quantities of testosterone. An imbalance in these hormones can be witnessed in the symptoms below

  • irregular periods

  • excess body and facial hair

  • acne

  • vaginal dryness

  • low sex drive

  • breast tenderness

  • gastrointestinal problems

  • hot flashes

  • night sweats

  • weight gain

  • fatigue

  • irritability and irregular mood changes

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • difficulty sleeping

During the menopause transition, a woman will experience a significant drop in estrogen levels. The menopause transition typically starts in a woman’s mid-to-late forties (known as perimenopause) and the average age for the menopause. During perimenopause, estrogen levels fluctuate wildly and decline significantly (causing many of the symptoms associated with menopause). After menopause (postmenopause) they settle down at these lower levels.

Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men. Most testosterone is made in the testes (testicles). Small amounts are also made in your adrenal gland (in the kidney)

Factors that affect testosterone levels in MEN

  • Genes. Testosterone production and the way it functions in the body is influenced by genetic makeup.

  • Health conditions and disease

  • Weight

  • Age

  • Sleep

  • Steroids

Menopause in MEN: 

Beginning around age 40, men's testosterone levels start to gradually drop by about 1 to 2% each year. Reduced testosterone levels are quite common, with over a third of men over age 45 having levels below what is considered normal for their age. Most men who experience age-related testosterone health problems will see male menopause symptoms and signs during their late forties to early fifties, but they can start any time from the age of 30 onwards. So, there is no fixed 'male menopause age' or measurable point in time, like there is for women

Here Dr Clive Morrison of the Centre for Men’s Health tells us everything you need to know about andropause and ways to manage its symptoms: 

• Decreased sex drive (low libido)

• Erectile dysfunction (ED) and/or loss of morning erections

• Tiredness and a general loss of energy

• Depression and/or mood swings

• Weight gain, especially around the belly

• Poor concentration, short-term memory loss and ‘brain fog’

• Irritability

 A significant aspect of aging and its impact on sexual energy and emotional well-being. Let's explore this in more depth:

  1. Sexual Energy and Pleasure Hormones: Sexual activity indeed triggers the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with pleasure, happiness, and overall well-being. These hormones play a crucial role in regulating mood, reducing stress, and enhancing coping mechanisms. However, as we age, changes in hormone levels, including decreases in sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen, can lead to a decline in sexual desire and pleasure.

  2. Challenges to Coping Mechanisms: The decrease in pleasure hormones and sexual energy as we age can indeed challenge our coping mechanisms, leading to increased stress and emotional difficulties. Sexual intimacy and pleasure are integral parts of human experience, and the absence of these experiences can impact our overall emotional well-being. Additionally, ageing may bring other stressors such as health issues, loss of loved ones, or changes in social roles, further exacerbating emotional challenges.

  3. Rigidity of Emotions and Patterns: As we age, our emotional patterns and coping mechanisms may become more entrenched and rigid, making it challenging to adapt to new situations or experiences. Suppressed emotions that have accumulated over a lifetime may also resurface in the absence of the pleasurable release provided by sexual activity. This can lead to a heightened sense of emotional distress and difficulty in managing these feelings.

  4. Coping Strategies: The challenges of aging and declining sexual energy require a multifaceted approach that addresses our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. By embracing practices such as mindfulness meditation, emotional release techniques, holistic lifestyle habits, spiritual engagement, healthy sexuality, and self-compassion, one can cultivate resilience, vitality, and a greater sense of fulfillment as you age.

Let us gain insights into the complexities of aging, particularly concerning sexual energy

  1. Meditation and Mental Health: Research has indeed validated the profound connection between meditation and mental health. It's not merely a temporary solution for symptomatic relief; instead, meditation is most effective when integrated into daily life as a fundamental lifestyle practice. Regular meditation has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and enhance overall well-being by promoting emotional resilience, self-awareness, and inner peace. By making meditation a way of living, individuals can experience lasting benefits for their mental health and cultivate a greater sense of balance and harmony in their lives.

  2. Spirituality and Sexuality: Spirituality and sexuality are intimately connected aspects of human experience. When approached with openness and awareness, meditation can indeed increase sexual energy and vitality. By quieting the mind and tuning into the present moment, individuals can tap into their innate sexual energy and experience greater control over their emotions and desires. This increased sexual energy can be harnessed for personal upliftment and spiritual growth, fostering a deeper connection with oneself, one's partner, and the divine.

  3. Upliftment through Meditation: When practiced with openness and awareness, meditation can serve as a powerful tool for personal upliftment and transformation. By quieting the chatter of the mind and connecting with the essence of our being, meditation allows us to access deeper levels of consciousness and tap into our innate wisdom and potential. This heightened state of awareness enables us to transcend limiting beliefs, release emotional baggage, and experience a greater sense of peace, clarity, and inner fulfillment. By cultivating a regular meditation practice, individuals can elevate their consciousness and live with greater purpose, authenticity, and joy.

  4. Emotional Release Techniques: Engaging in practices such as journaling, expressive arts, dance, and music can help you release suppressed emotions and process unresolved issues. These techniques can provide a safe outlet for expressing and exploring your feelings, leading to greater emotional well-being and inner peace.

  5. Holistic Lifestyle: Embracing a holistic lifestyle involves nurturing all aspects of your being—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. This may include adopting healthy habits such as balanced nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and meaningful social connections. By caring for your overall well-being, you can enhance your resilience and coping mechanisms, even in the face of age-related challenges.

In summary, meditation is not just a relaxation technique or a temporary fix; it's a profound path to mental health, spiritual growth, and personal transformation. When approached as a way of living, meditation can enhance our well-being, deepen our spiritual connection, and enrich every aspect of our lives, including our sexuality and vitality. By emb

racing meditation with openness, awareness, and intention, we can unlock the full potential of our mind, body, and spirit and experience greater fulfillment and joy in our journey of self-discovery and personal evolution.


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